Command The following command prints the remote branch names, where you are the author of the last pushed commit. $
Continue readingCategory: Version control
Rename a branch (Git)
0. Preparation Checkout the branch you want to rename. 1. Rename local $ git branch -m new-branch-name 2. Change remote
Continue reading2-way vs. 3-way merge
Scenario c1b06e — 62d8d3 [feature] / e73a83 — 6cfaec — 90ed1b [develop] Goal: Merge feature into develop. 2-way merge Solve
Continue readingGarbage Collection (Git)
Facts It can be locally configured. It can be triggered manually as well. It cleans up not only orphaned commits.
Continue readingSetup ssh key for Git (macOS, Linux)
If you don’t want to authorize yourself all the time on the server, just add an ssh key. 1. Generate
Continue readingReapply patches to updates (Git)
Let’s asume you have a repo containing an external SW. (forked repo or specific version) Branches | Commits ————–|————— master
Continue readingResolve conflicts for binary files (Git)
There are common scenarios where you possibly have to resolve conflicts. They are cherry-pick, merge, rebase and revert. If those
Continue readingVisualize branches (Git)
Git command All branches $ git log –all –decorate –oneline –graph Specific branch $ git log {branch-name} –decorate –oneline –graph
Continue readingMerge / Pull request (Git)
Is it a git feature? First of all it isn’t a feature from git itself it’s provided by tools like
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