Kote-hineri vs. Kote-mawashi vs. Kote-gaeshi They are rotational wrist locks. Technique Kote-hineri Kote-mawashi Kote-gaeshi Translation Forearm twist Forearm turn Forearm
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Kuzushi directions (with throws)
Ko-uchi-gari Morote-gari Ko-uchi-gari O-soto-otoshi Kuchiki-taoshi O-soto-otoshi O-soto-gari O-soto-guruma O-soto-gari Sumi-otoshi Tani-otoshi Sumi-otoshi \ | / \ | / \ |
Continue readingThrowing principles (Judo)
I use the following principles to describe throws. Principles Typical examples Reaping O-soto-gari, O-uchi-gari Sweeping De-ashi-barai, Harai-tsurikomi-ashi Blocking Hiza-guruma, Ko-soto-gake
Continue readingGi vs. No-gi (The main difference)
The Gi provides a superset of techniques (grips, holds and submissions) over No-gi. Transitioning in between is hard for both
Continue readingHow to stay safe in martial arts
1. Choose your sparring partner wisely. Reject sparring with persons who are too dangerous to spar with. 2. Don’t try
Continue readingThree ways to re-guard
After your opponent has passed your guard and tries to settle into a solid side control you should try to
Continue readingDiving – Tips and Tricks
Connect the inflator hose easier if the tank valve is already opened. Press the inflator button while connecting the hose
Continue readingQ&A – Diving
Why shouldn’t your open the tank valve fully? If someone wants to check if your tank is open, that person
Continue readingFour PADI abbreviations
BWRAF (Pre-dive safety check) B … BCD W … Weights R … Releases A … Air F … Final SORTED
Continue readingChange an O-Ring of a Yoke valve
Screw a regulator to the tank. Open then close the tank valve. Press the purge button of one of the
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