Kote-hineri vs. Kote-mawashi vs. Kote-gaeshi They are rotational wrist locks. Technique Kote-hineri Kote-mawashi Kote-gaeshi Translation Forearm twist Forearm turn Forearm
Continue readingRename a branch (Git)
0. Preparation Checkout the branch you want to rename. 1. Rename local $ git branch -m new-branch-name 2. Change remote
Continue readingstd::forward with concept (C++)
Introduction std::forward: Keeps the type of the reference. (lvalue, rvalue) concepts: Specify requirements for the template types. Example $ g++
Continue readingContainers vs. Virtual Machines
Containers Virtual Machines Representative Docker1 VirtualBox Shared HW + OS HW Daemon Engine Hypervisor Persistence Image2 (+ Volume3) Image Instance
Continue readingBackward and Forward compatibility (API)
Showcase API (in protobuf) message User { string name = 1; int32 id = 2; } Backward compatibility If you
Continue readingPlug and Play
Have you ever asked yourself why you can use your newly connected devices directly these days? Plug and Play (PnP)
Continue reading2-way vs. 3-way merge
Scenario c1b06e — 62d8d3 [feature] / e73a83 — 6cfaec — 90ed1b [develop] Goal: Merge feature into develop. 2-way merge Solve
Continue readingDeployment level
If you have developed a new feature or fixed a bug you should test that change before deploying it directly
Continue readingRadiation (Mobile devices)
All of the currently used wireless data transfers technologies (listed underneath) are operating with a frequency classifying them as microwaves.
Continue readingGarbage Collection (Git)
Facts It can be locally configured. It can be triggered manually as well. It cleans up not only orphaned commits.
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