Wireshark – Alternative for DevTools network

These days some website try everything to block the usage of DevTools on their pages. An alternative to atleast still sniff the happening HTTPS traffic is the usage of Wireshark.

  1. Start Chrome
    I)  Close all running Chrome instances
    II) $ & <chrome_app> [-incognito] --ssl-key-log-file=<path/to/file>.log
  2. Setup Wireshark
    I)  'Edit' --> 'Preferences...' --> 'Protocols' --> 'TLS' or 'SSL'
    II) '(Pre)-Master-Secret log filename': <path/to/file>.log
  3. Start sniffing
    I)  Select the used network interface
    II) Start capturing (with a filter, e.g. http or http2)
  4. Browse the website